*If you haven’t read my note to ALL the moms yet, please read it first.*

(Eyes on your own list, SAHMs)

I get time in the adult world.

I get to do something I’m passionate about.

My house is still clean when I get home.

My kids get to do cool things at school and daycare that I don’t have to plan, execute, or clean up after.

I know that there are others who love my child… and they aren’t just the relatives that would love him anyway.

I love to see my child’s excitement when I drop him off with the babysitter. He has fun there!

My kids get to interact in healthy ways with other children.

I get little gifts of artwork and surprises from my kids when I get home.

When I’m away I have personal space (nobody at work comes into the bathroom while I’m in it)

I know that I am providing for my family.

I am filled with love when I see my kids at pick-up time

I am able to listen and be more in tune with what they say and do since I value the time more.

I get to come home to kisses and cuddles and stories.

I am a mom and I get to love and care for my children

Please add to the list! Post a comment with more beautiful, wonderful things about balancing a career and motherhood.

One thought on “For WORKING MOMS only

  1. Spring says:

    Work for me is my “getaway” I love and feel I am called to work as much as I am called to be a mom. I love both worlds! Finding a balance though is difficult!

    I love that my husband now has an appreciation for what I do at home as he sometimes has to “be me” for the day. He admits I am better at it than him 🙂

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